Message from the Council

Dr Wendy CHENG
Dear Members of the HKSEMS,
Welcome to the 2nd issue in 2022. Let’s refresh the activities organized the council in the last 3 months!!

ASEM Academic meeting 2022

This first academic meeting organized by Asian Society for Emergency Medicine, co-organized by Asia Pacific Association for Medical Toxicology, Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine and Hong Kong Society for Emergency Medicine and Surgery was held successfully on 25 February 2022.
Feedback was good and the second meeting will be scheduled on 27 May 2022. Please stay tuned for details!

iEM (International Emergency Medicine Education Project)
iEM is an educational website founded and directed by Arif Alper Cevik and Elif Dilek Cakal. It is an international, non-profit project endorsed by IFEM, and supported by UAEU CMHS and emergency medicine professionals from all around the world. It aims to promote emergency medicine and provide free, reusable educational content for undergraduate medical trainees and educators.
The project focuses mainly on the undergraduate curriculum, but learners from all levels (medical students, interns, residents) and their educators are welcomed.

Induction program on Emergency Medicine
co-organized by HKSEMS and HAHO IEC
This induction program, a conjoint function of the HKSEMS and the Hospital Authority Head Office IEC (Infection, Emergency and Contingency), was held on 15 January 2022 in an online course format with ZOOM platform. This is a half-day program, aiming to offer newcomers, including Emergency Medicine Basic Trainee, Trainees from other specialities and interns rotated to AED and interns basic and practical knowledge for survival in the Emergency Department.

Emergency Medicine Training Programme for Chinese Medicine Practitioners
The HKSEMS is conducting the certificate course for CMP in EM since 2015, the course has been fully revamped in 2019 to help the CMP to prepare well for the opening of the Chinese Medicine Hospital. The course was successfully run in virtual in February and March with positive feedback from the participants.

Course with FMSHK

The HKSEMS organized course with the FMSHK annually; certificate course on wilderness medicine 2022 started in March while the certificate course on clinical toxicology will be started in October 2022.
Please stay tuned for details!
Voluntary clinical psychologist support (with HKCEM, HKCEN and HKENA)

We welcome the following new members!
Full Membership
Dr Fong Ho Yin ❉ KWH
Dr Ho Shun Ying ❉ TMH
Dr Leung Kar Ho ❉ QEH
Full Membership (Renew)
Dr Kua Wai Keung ❉ PMH
Dr Lee Fook Kay Aaron ❉ CMC
Dr Wong Lok Yu ❉ QEH
Full life membership
Dr Chan Ho Yin ❉ CMC
Dr Cheung Chin Pang ❉ UH
Dr Mak Hiu Yan Hilda ❉ PYNEH
Dr Tsui Chi Leung ❉ PWH
Dr Yang Li Chuan Marc ❉ CUHK Medical Centre
Dr Yeung Chi Yeung ❉ QEH
Dr Wong Kevin Ching-hin ❉ NLTH
Affiliated membership (Renew)
Mr Wong Yiu Tung